

Matthew J. Sumnall,David R. Carter, Timothy J. Albaugh, Erik Platt, Trevor Host, Rachel L. Cook, Otávio C. Campoe &Rafael A. Rubilar. Evaluating the transferability of airborne laser scanning derived stem size prediction models for Pinus taeda L. stem size estimation to two different locations and acquisition specifications.

Duarte, E.; Rubilar, R.; Matus, F.; Garrido-Ruiz, C.; Merino, C.; Smith-Ramirez, C.; Aburto, F.; Rojas, C.; Stehr, A.; Dörner, J.; et al. Drought and Wildfire Trends in Native Forests of South-Central Chile in the 21st Century. Fire 2024, 7, 230.

Rafael A. Rubilar, Juan Carlos Valverde, Guillermo Barrientos and Otávio Camargo Campoe. Water and Temperature Ecophysiological Challenges of Forests Plantations under Climate Change. Forests 2024, 15(4), 654.

Rachel Cook, Thomas R. Fox, Howard Lee Allen, Chris W. Cohrs, Vicent Ribas-Costa, Andrew Trlica, Matthew Ricker, David R. Carter, Rafael Rubilar, Otavio Campoe, Timothy J. Albaugh, Pete Kleto, Ed O’Brien, Kirk McEacher. Forest soil classification for intensive pine plantation management: "Site Productivity Optimization for Trees" system. Forest Ecology and Management 556(2024) 121732.

Víctor Ferrer-Villasmil, Cecilia Fuentealba, Pablo Reyes-Contreras, Rafael Rubilar, Gustavo Cabrera-Barjas, Gastón Bravo-Arrepol and Danilo Escobar-Avello. Extracted Eucalyptus globulus Bark Fiber as a Potential Substrate for Pinus radiata and Quillaja saponaria Germination. Plants 13(6):789.

Juan Pedro Elissetche, Rosa M. Alzamora, Yosselin Espinoza,Verónica Emhart ,Matías Pincheira, Alex Medina and Rafael Rubilar.Wood Basic Density Assessment of Eucalyptus Genotypes Growing under Contrasting Water Availability Conditions. Forests 2024, 15(1), 185;



Barrientos, G., Rubilar, R., Duarte, E., & Paredes, A. (2023). Runoff variation and progressive aridity during drought in catchments in southern-central Chile. Hydrology Research, 54(12), 1590-1605. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2023.116

Rubilar, R., Bozo, D., Albaugh, T., Cook, R., Campoe, O., Carter, D., Allen, H. L., Álvarez, J., Pincheira, M., & Zapata, Á. (2023). Rotation-age effects of subsoiling, fertilization, and weed control on radiata pine growth at sites with contrasting soil physical, nutrient, and water limitations. Forest Ecology and Management, 544, 121213. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121213

Matthew J. Sumnall, Timothy J. Albaugh, David R. Carter, Rachel L. Cook, W. Cully Hession, Otávio C. Campoe, Rafael A. Rubilar, Randolph H. Wynne & Valerie A. Thomas (2023) Estimation of individual stem volume and diameter from segmented UAV laser scanning datasets in Pinus taeda L. plantations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44:1, 217-247, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2022.2161853

Consalter, R., Motta, A. C. V., Barbosa, J. Z., Vezzani, F. M., Pons, R. R., Prior, S. A., & Bassaco, M. V. M. (2023). Pine root exploration of standing dead tree trunks: a short-cut biocycling process. Forest systems, 32(2), 9. DOI: 10.5424/fs/2023322-19715

Pizarro, R., Sangüesa, C., Fernández, P., Rubilar, R., Balocchi, F., & Ibáñez, A. (2023). Evaluación de la erosión hídrica bajo diferentes coberturas boscosas a través de la captura de sedimentos en la zona centro sur de Chile. Aqua-LAC, 15(1), 1-12.

Sandoval, S., Acuña, E., Cancino, J., Rubilar, R., & Esquivel, E. (2023). Modeling leaf area at branch level and its vertical distribution in the crown of trees established as dendroenergy crops. Revista Bosque, 44(1), 23-35. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002023000100023

Valverde, J. C., Rubilar, R., Barrientos, G., Medina, A., Pincheira, M., Emhart, V., Zapata, Á., Bozo, D., Espinoza, Y., & Campoe, O. C. (2023). Differences in rainfall interception among Eucalyptus genotypes. Trees, 37(4), 1189-1200. DOI: 10.1007/s00468-023-02417-1

Matus, F. J., Duarte, E., Rojas, C., Smith-Ramírez, C., Rubilar, R. A., Merino, C., ... & Morales, L. (2023). Forest Wildfires in Chile: Effects on Soil Degradation and Damage Mitigation

García, L. Y., Rubilar, R., Valverde, J. C., Emhart, V., Bascuñán, L., Medina, A., & Bozo, D. (2023). Morphological, physiological and carbon balance response of Eucalyptus genotypes under water stress. New Forests. DOI: 10.1007/s11056-023-09985-7


Valverde, J. C., Rubilar, R., Medina, A., Mardones, O., Emhart, V., Bozo, D., ... & Campoe, O. (2022). Taper and individual tree volume equations of Eucalyptus varieties under contrasting irrigation regimes. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 52. DOI: 10.33494/nzjfs522022x181x

de Oliveira, T. W. G., Rubilar, R., Sanquetta, C. R., Dalla Corte, A. P., Bozo, D., Medina, A., ... & Valenzuela, H. (2022). Changes in leaf physiology for eucalyptus genotypes with increase in integral water stress and its consequence for initial growth in central Chile. 50, e3802. DOI:  10.18671/scifor.v50.09

Albaugh, T. J., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Campoe, O. C., Rubilar, R. A., & Creighton, J. L. (2022). Improving Pinus taeda site index from rotation to rotation with silvicultural treatments. Forest Ecology and Management, 526, 120581. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120581

Campos, J. V., Riquelme, S., Pecio, Ł., Guedes, L., Mardones, C., Alzamora, R., ... & Pérez, A. J. (2022). Constitutive and inducible defense in Eucalyptus determines the feeding host of Gonipterus platensis, denoting specific plant-insect coevolution and a strategy for resistance improvement. Industrial Crops and Products, 189, 115811. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115811

Riquelme, S., Campos, J. V., Pecio, L., Alzamora, R., Mardones, C., Simonet, A. M., & Pérez, A. J. (2022). Sirex noctilio infestation led to inevitable pine death despite activating pathways involved in tolerance. Phytochemistry, 203, 113350. Doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2022.113350

Alzamora, R. M., Oviedo, W., & Rubilar, R. (2022). Life cycle analysis to estimate CO2 e emissions from forest harvesting systems in intensively managed Pinus radiata plantations. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 37(2), 144-152. DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2022.2044901

Sanfuentes, E., González, M., Castillo, M., Rubilar, R., Besoain, X., Sanhueza, C., & Smith, M. (2022). Detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi on declining Araucaria araucana forests. Forest Pathology, 52(5), e12765. DOI: 10.1111/efp.12765

Ulloa, J. L., Aguayo, P., Conejera, D., Rubilar, R., Balocchi, C., & Valenzuela, S. (2022). Transcriptomic response in foliar and root tissues of a drought-tolerant Eucalyptus globulus genotype under drought stress. Trees, 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s00468-021-02241-5

Sumnall, M. J., Albaugh, T. J., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Hession, W. C., Campoe, O. C., ... & Thomas, V. A. (2022). Effect of varied unmanned aerial vehicle laser scanning pulse density on accurately quantifying forest structure. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(2), 721-750. DOI: 10.1080/01431161


Trlica, A., Cook, R. L., Albaugh, T. J., Parajuli, R., Carter, D. R., & Rubilar, R. A. (2021). Financial returns for biomass on short-rotation loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States. Forest Science, 67(6), 670-681. DOI: 10.1093/forsci/fxab033

Gonzalez-Benecke, C. A., Fernández, M. P., Albaugh, T. J., Ahumada, R., Bown, H. E., Gayoso, J., ... & Rubilar, R. (2021). General above-stump volume and biomass functions for Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens. Biomass and Bioenergy, 155, 106280. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2021.106280

de Oliveira, T. W. G., Rubilar, R., Sanquetta, C. R., Corte, A. P. D., Medina, A., Mardones, O., ... & Bozo, D. (2022). Differences in early seasonal growth efficiency and productivity of eucalyptus genotypes. New Forests, 53(5), 811-829. DOI: 10.1007/s11056-021-09888-5

Sumnall, M. J., Trlica, A., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Schulte, M. L., Campoe, O. C., ... & Thomas, V. A. (2021). Estimating the overstory and understory vertical extents and their leaf area index in intensively managed loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations using airborne laser scanning. Remote Sensing of Environment, 254, 112250. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112250

Brito, V. V., Rubilar, R. A., Cook, R. L., Campoe, O. C., Carter, D. R., & Mardones, O. (2021). Evaluating remote sensing indices as potential productivity and stand quality indicators for Pinus radiata plantations. Scientia Forestalis, 49(129), e3316. DOI: 10.18671/scifor.v49n129.08

Oliveira, T. W. G. D., Rubilar, R., Sanquetta, C. R., Corte, A. P. D., & Behling, A. (2021). Simultaneous estimation as an alternative to young eucalyptus aboveground biomass modeling in ecophysiological experiments. Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 43. DOI: 10.4025/actasciagron.v43i1.52126

Albaugh, T. J., Albaugh, J. M., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Cohrs, C. W., Rubilar, R. A., & Campoe, O. C. (2021). Duration of response to nitrogen and phosphorus applications in mid-rotation Pinus taeda. Forest Ecology and Management, 498, 119578. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119578

Sandoval, S., Cancino, J., Acuña, E., & Rubilar, R. (2021). Predicting parameters of Weibull probability density function for diametric distributions in A. melanoxylon, E. camaldulensis and E. nitens bioenergy plantation. Dendrobiology, 86. DOI: 10.12657/denbio.086.002

Consalter, R., Motta, A. C. V., Barbosa, J. Z., Vezzani, F. M., Rubilar, R. A., Prior, S. A., ... & Bassaco, M. V. M. (2021). Fertilization of Pinus taeda L. on an acidic oxisol in southern Brazil: growth, litter accumulation, and root exploration. European Journal of Forest Research, 140(5), 1095-1112. DOI: 10.1007/s10342-021-01390-z

Carter, D. R., Allen, H. L., Fox, T. R., Albaugh, T. J., Rubilar, R. A., Campoe, O. C., & Cook, R. L. (2021). A 50-year retrospective of the Forest Productivity Cooperative in the southeastern United States: regionwide trials. Journal of Forestry, 119(1), 73-85. DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvaa046


Aburto F., Cartes E., Mardones O., Rubilar R. Hillslope soil erosion and mobility in pine plantations and native deciduous forest in the coastal range of south-Central Chile. Land Degradation and Development 2020:1-14. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3700 (IF:3,755/ISSN: 1099-145X. Quantile: Q1, IF: 6.564, H Index: 74. DOI:

Scolforo, H.E., C. Montes, R.L. Cook, H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, R. Rubilar, O. Campoe. 2020. A new approach to modeling volume response from mid-rotation fertilization of Pinus taeda L. plantations. Forests 11, 646. DOI:

Ariana Bertin-Benavides & Luisa Bascuñán-Godoy & Carlos Henríquez-Castillo & Mabel Delgado & Carlos F. Burgos & Catalina Mardones & Andrea Ávila-Valdés & Francisco Valdebenito & Soraya Bravo & Rafael Rubilar & Rodrigo Hasbún & Alejandra Zúñiga-Feest. Contrasting responses of cluster roots formation induced by phosphorus and nitrogen supply in Embothrium coccineum populations from different geographical origin. Plant and Soil

Schulte, M.L., R.L. Cook, T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, R.A. Rubilar, R. Pezzutti, S.L. Caldato, O. Campoe, D.R. Carter. 2020. Mid-rotation response of Pinus taeda to early silvicultural treatments in subtropical Argentina. For. Ecol. Manage. 473: 118317. DOI:

Raymond, J.E., T.R. Fox, R.L. Cook, T.J. Albaugh, R.A. Rubilar. Losses of fertilizer nitrogen after a winter fertilization in three managed pine plantations of the southeastern United States. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 84(2): 609-617.

Rafael Rubilar, Robert Hubbard, VeronicaEmhart, Oscar Mardones, Juan Jose Quiroga, Alex Medina, Hector Valenzuela, Juan Espinoza, Yuri Burgos, Daniel Bozo. Climate and water availability impacts on early growth and growth efficiency of Eucalyptus genotypes: The importance of GxE interactions. Forest Ecology and Management 458 (2020) 117763

Acevedo M., Rafael Rubilar, R. Kasten Dumroese, Juan F. Ovalle, Simón Sandoval, Rodrigo ChassinTrubert. Nitrogen loading of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings: nutritional dynamics and influence on morphology and root growth potential. New Forests

R.P. Chudy, K.A. Chudy, B. Kanieski da Silva, F.W. Cubbage, R. Rubilar, R. Lord. Profitability and risk sources in global timberland investments. Forest Policy and Economics 111 (2020) 102037

Timothy J. Albaugh, Chris A. Maier, Otávio C. Campoe, Marco A. Yáñez, Eric D. Carbaugh, David R. Carter, Rachel L. Cook, Rafael A. Rubilar, Thomas R. Fox. Crown architecture, crown leaf area distribution, and individual tree growth efficiency vary across site, genetic entry, and planting density. Trees (2020) 34:73–88

Rute Berger, José A. Aleixo da Silva, Rinaldo Luiz, Rafael A. Rubilar. Vegetation indices for the leaf area index estimation in clonal plantations of Eucalyptuys saligna Smith. Ciencia Florestal 29(2) 885-899. DOI: https://10.5902/1980509816942. ISSN: 1980-5098

Albaugh, T.J., T.R. Fox, R.L. Cook, J.E. Raymond, R.A. Rubilar, O.C. Campoe. 2019. Forest fertilizer applications in the southeastern United States from 1969 to 2016. Forest Science, In press. DOI:

Hebert Ojeda, Rafael A. Rubilar, Cristian Montes, Jorge Cancino and Miguel Espinosa. Leaf area and growth of Chilean radiata pine plantations after thinning across a water stress gradient. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science (2018) 48:10. DOI:

F. Vargas, C. A. Gonzalez-Benecke, R. Rubilar, M. Sanchez-Olate. Modelling the effect of weed competition on long-term volume yield of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations across an environmental gradient. Forests (2018) 9:480. DOI:

Eduardo Acuña, Rafael Rubilar, Jorge Cancino, Timothy J. Albaugh, Chris A. Maier. Economic assessment of Eucalyptus globulus short rotation energy crops under contrasting silvicultural intensities on marginal agricultural land. Land Use and Policy 76:329-337. DOI:

Timothy J. Albaugh, Thomas R. Fox, Chris A. Maier, Otávio C. Campoe, Rafael A. Rubilar, Rachel L. Cook, Jay E. Raymond, Clayton A. Alvares, Jose L. Stape. A common garden experiment examining light use efficiency and heat sum to explain growth differences in native and exotic Pinus taeda. Forest Ecology and Management 425: 35–44. DOI:

Julio César Ríos Saucedo, Rafael Rubilar Pons, Jorge Cancino Cancino, Eduardo Acuña Carmona, José Javier Corral Rivas, Rigoberto Rosales Serna. Densidad básica de la madera y poder calorífico en vástagos de tres cultivos dendroenergéticos. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales 9 (47):253-272.

F. Vargas, R. Rubilar, C. A. Gonzalez-Benecke, M. Sanchez-Olate, Pablo Aracena. Long-term response to area of competition control in Eucalyptus globulus plantations.  New Forests (2018). 49:383-398. DOI: https://10.3390/f9080480

Rubilar, R.A., H.L. Allen, T.R. Fox, R.L. Cook, T. J. Albaugh, O.C. Campoe. 2018. Advances in silviculture of intensively managed plantations. Current Forestry Reports 4:23-34. DOI:





































































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